Fun, Quotes, Writing

Who’s up for Going to Camp?


At Camp NaNo. 🙂

Camp Nano 2014

November is National Novel Writing Month but the NaNo team also holds camps in April and July. Though Camp NaNo is somewhat smaller than November’s hoopla, from what I see in numbers, it has grown considerably since its inception.

The difference between the one held in November and April and July’s Camp is the goal for November is to write a 50,000 word novel, while Camp is open and  allows for more leeway. Open, as in anything goes. You set your own word count goal and it can include any kind of writing–fiction or nonfiction, poetry, blogging, memoir…you get the picture. With camp you’re also placed in virtual cabins with other writers; or not if you so choose.

I loved camping as a child, so I’m beyond thrilled to camp where it involves words and writing! Two of my favorite activities! 🙂

Anyone care to join me?


“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.”
Louis L’Amour

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