Fun, goals, Quotes, Writing

Sliding Into Home Base with NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo is in the middle of the 4th and final week. When they say slow and steady wins the race, there’s truth in that. I haven’t “won” yet, but I see it on the horizon. And I’m making it there. While some of my NaNo friends passed me days ago—as in several days ago for… Continue reading Sliding Into Home Base with NaNoWriMo

A to Zing, Faith and Spirituality, Fun, Quotes, Writing

“Q” is for…

I love quotes! They contain so much wisdom, motivation and inspiration in so few words.  They prove that less is often better when it comes to words, and that those few words can pack a powerful punch. My ten favorite are: 10.)  “The way to happiness: Keep your heart free from hate, your mind from… Continue reading “Q” is for…