Books, Fun, Life Coaching, New Release, Recovery, Writing

New Release Date for Inn The Spirit of Murder

My publisher has emailed to let me know the release date for Inn the Spirit of Murder has been bumped up from August 12th to July 24th! Preorders will go up soon. I'll send a reminder for those who are interested. The kitchen is closed; Except for murder. Also, like to read, discuss anything about… Continue reading New Release Date for Inn The Spirit of Murder

Book Review, Books, Fun, New Release, Writing

Discovering New Favorite Authors

Don't you just love it when you stumble across a new author who changes your world? An author whose stories are so poignant and real and beautiful that you want to live there forever. Other than one Hallmark-style contemporary women's fiction novel, The Inheritance, I write mysteries, both cozies and clean romantic suspense. So 60%… Continue reading Discovering New Favorite Authors

Books, goals, New Release, Recovery, Writing

Coming August 12th!

The kitchen is closed. Except for murder. Six-year-sober life coach and skeptic, Andie Rose Kaczmarek, and her red retriever emotional support animal, Aspen, become the new owners of the surmised haunted Spirit Lake Inn in Minnesota. When Andie Rose finds a body in the inn’s kitchen, she fears it will be the death of what’s… Continue reading Coming August 12th!

Books, Fun, goals, Life Lessons, Mindset, Writing

What Kind of Writer Are You? Other than a Good One!

Are you wondering what a discovery writer is? I once heard Joanna Penn admit that in the UK, they call underwear pants, so what we call a "panster" in the US, she calls a "discovery writer." Since then I've heard the revised name a lot more in general and can't help but laugh when I… Continue reading What Kind of Writer Are You? Other than a Good One!

Book Review, Books, Fun, Writing

Enjoy A Cozy Mystery for Just .99!

Join Melanie Hogan and Claire Davis on the journey of solving a murder! When a body is discovered in the woods by Melanie’s Minnesota lake house, it nearly gets both her and her estranged mother, Violet, killed. Melanie retreats to the familiar and comfortable surroundings of the beauty salon she owns with her best friend… Continue reading Enjoy A Cozy Mystery for Just .99!

Faith and Spirituality, Family, Fun, goals, Mindset, Nature, Quotes, Writing

Goodbye to the Old, Hello to the New

I love a new year. It's the perfect time to say goodbye to what hasn't worked for you in the past, keep what has, and try something new. One doesn't need to wait for the new year to begin, but what a perfect starting line to cross over into living your best life. But remember:… Continue reading Goodbye to the Old, Hello to the New

Books, Fun, Gratitude, Writing

Smashwords End-of-Year Sale!

Looking for that perfect Christmas gift for the readers on your list? Smashwords is having a HUGE sale. Four of my books are included in the sale, as well as hundreds, if not thousands, of others. I looked through them and there are some amazing titles dirt-cheap! Free up some time by finishing your shopping… Continue reading Smashwords End-of-Year Sale!

Books, Gratitude, Quotes, Writing

Writers are a Magical Community

Sisters in Crime is a national writing organization founded in 1986 to promote the advancement and professional development of women crime writers. As President of the Colorado Chapter, I've spent the last several months planning a big event for our members. It was the perfect send-off of my presidency, which is up at the end… Continue reading Writers are a Magical Community