Fun, goals, Writing

Making the Most of NaNoWriMo

  NaNoWriMo is just around the corner! Which means it's time to create--worlds, plots and subplots, characters, conflict, music lists, and a space in which you love to spend time. Because if you're participating in National Novel Writing Month, you will be spending a LOT of time in that space. And with your characters. Over… Continue reading Making the Most of NaNoWriMo

Faith and Spirituality, Family, Gratitude

T.G.I.F. – Gratitude Friday

The top three things I'm especially grateful for this week are: 3.  The songs Need You Now by Plumb and Oceans by Hillsong UNITED playing back to back Thursday morning on Pandora at the precise moment I needed to hear them, proving the Hand of God in my life. A blessing indeed! 2.  The proof of… Continue reading T.G.I.F. – Gratitude Friday

Faith and Spirituality, Fun, Writing

Why I Write

Last week I received an email from the author of a blog I follow,  The Creative Penn, and the author asked her readers to think about why we write.  And that did, indeed, get me thinking... I write because when I do, I: *     Feel freedom and the ability to express myself in a way… Continue reading Why I Write